Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thing 1 and Thing 2 - I ain't redoing these

Thing 1: Make a blog and respond to the 7.5 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners.
I'm working on my attitude. That's something I need to improve. I wasn't always a resistant learner, but I think I have become one. Well, I do love learning, but I have started becoming selective. I think it is good for me to recognize this. Sometimes when I'm stressed it takes me some time to warm up to an idea, but it happens. Like with biochemistry. I've learned far more after the class. So, here I am taking more responsibility for my actions. And so, this blog becomes part of my toolbox. Hmmm, I guess I am redoing Thing 1. Alas. :-) This time, Learning 2.0 becomes my forest of adventure, and I'm not resisting the path.

Thing 2: Usernames and passwords and gmail
Already had a gmail account. Actually, two. I have my reasons for multiple accounts :-) But with passwords, I have a set I rotate through. I have passwords for financial accounts and personal stuff, and I have simple passwords for accounts I don't care about.
I'm terrible at changing passwords frequently. I also can't manage terribly complex passwords. I do like what they do in the FACT center though, and use replacement letters. Here's a "replacement" alphabet @bcd3fgh1jklmn0pqr5tuvwxyz - notice the vowels aeio and the letter s are replaced. So, if "fact password" (not an actual password at FACT) is a password, it becomes f@ctp@55w0rd That's as complex as I get.

So, I went to the Microsoft Online Safety site and checked out the safety of my passwords. I don't use symbols much, so I know it's not the most secure. Both of my regular passwords rate as medium. The password f@ctp@55w0rd rated as a strong. The one I use for my junk accounts (for most of the ones I'll be using) rated weak. It's short.

Now, on to more entertaining apps!

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